Daily Blog

Hello and welcome to my blog page, here is where I will post updates on the most relevant events and projects happening! Make sure to follow and subscribe to all my other Social Media pages to stay up to date!!

Status Update June 28th, 2022

The website Frontend is complete with almost 90% of the back end being set up and ready.

Update Jan 2, 2022

Another school semester over and feeling very good about it, I have been spending my free time building more Python projects and games, check them out!! More to come!

Update Jan 1, 2022

Happy New Year to all my followers and fans!! We beat 2021 and it was a good year on the learning side, this year ill finish learning basics to software and computer networks.

Update June 17th, 2021

We are live!! The site is up and working if you find any errors with anything please let us know thanks! -Staff

Update June 14, 2021

This week I have updated and fixed some bugs in my Portfolio website. This week the new updated website should be done and live stay tuned for more awesome things to come!! --Travis